Hotel & Tourism Industry Forecast

Read about recent trends and future forecasts for Costa Rica's tourism industry as it relates to the hotel market.

Everything is cyclical, and never was that more evident than in Costa Rica - all aspects of Costa Rica. Like the weather, the flora and fauna, species of birds, whales, monkeys and insects... all come and go throughout the year, giving this magical place a constant sense of change, albeit, ever so slowly. The same could be said for the real estate market here, and, more specifically, the hotel market and accommodations industry.

Costa Rica’s tourism market is one of the most developed in Central America and like many countries in the region, depend heavily on visitors from North America who are attracted to it’s stunning natural beauty and comforted by political and social stability and a solid infrastructure, as well as the convenient proximity to the United States. To wit, tourism is number 1 here, and that isn’t going to change any time soon. But, like anything, it does fluctuate.

The Ebb & Flow

Recent tourism industry reports suggest that Costa Rica is currently ‘ebbing’ as opposed to the constant ‘flowing’ it experienced in the early 2,000 when tourism and real estate boomed. What goes up must come down, and though currently, tourism is still enjoying annual growth, it’s only a fraction of what it was during those boom days.

Consequently, many hotels that were purchased for semi-retirement or investment are currently for sale for very reasonable prices. This presents great opportunities for the savvy investor, experienced hotelier, or retirees that wish to relocate to Costa Rica for either business or retirement. Especially considering that it is anticipated that the market will be back to ‘flowing’ within a few years of this writing. Now seems to be the perfect time to invest in a hotel operation in Costa Rica.





GO HERE to see hotels for sale in all areas of Costa Rica on the country’s only MLS.


Reference Credit:

Jaime Lopez w/The Costa Rica Star:
New Costa Rica Tourism Industry Report & Forecast